Women's Leadership Program Alumni Spotlight: Sue Estenson

Sue Estenson Final WLP Alumnus Spotlight.jpg

Interview with an Alumnus:

Meet Sue Estenson. She is the Director of Product Delivery at Infinite Leap, a provider of performance excellence consulting services in Fargo. In 2018, she was in our Women’s Leadership Program (WLP) in Fargo. We caught up with her to ask her how she is leading now and what WLP meant to her at the time.

Why did you join the WLP?

I joined the Women's Leadership Program so I could have an opportunity to be around more amazing women in our community and learn from their experiences. I am a big believer that the more we share the more we learn. I am so grateful that I got to be part of WLP with 19 other amazing women. Deb and Deidre couldn't have been more right when they said the time would fly by!

What does true leadership mean to you?  

True Leadership to me reminds me of a quote by Simon Sinek.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more you are a leader.

That is true leadership to me. You don't have to have a title or have a ton of experience under your belt, you just need to inspire others.

How can your fellow alumni members support you?

I recently lost a very dear friend of mine who was my biggest supporter and my mentor. His passing reminded me of how we all need to take a more active role in helping the next person to become better than yourself. So I have three asks of my fellow alumni supporters:

Mentor someone;

Join a Mastermind Group; and

Create a 101 goals list.

What are the three lessons you learned in WLP?

1. To speak up more and to not be afraid to use my voice;

2. There are only opportunities and no failures; and

3. That I am stronger than I think I am.


Applications are open for the 2021 Fargo and Bismarck-Mandan Women’s Leadership Programs. This six-month course equips you to take your leadership skills to the next level and introduces you to movers and shakers in your community. Check it out.

Kirsten Berger